Friday, July 20, 2007


So, I just saw this headline in AOL news....

"Bush Colonoscopy Will Put Cheney In Charge"...

Now, excuse me,...but hasn't Cheney been up Bush's ass and on top for a long time?

Also, the article continues by telling us the results of Dubya's past exams.
We know he is an we also have to know what is in it?


Blogger Lever said...

LMAO Or is it saying Cheney's in charge of the scope, steering it through the presidential back corridors? ;)

OK, so Cheney's got his hands directly on the reigns for a couple of hours; who will he manage to shoot in that short time?

4:38 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

I'm laughing but why am I worried?

8:31 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

Knock, knock,

Anyone home?


4:10 PM  

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