Sunday, March 26, 2006

I used to dance around the house all the time

I really did.

So, I have been depressed and stressed lately. Was having a draggy day.
But tonight when trying to tune in airamerica I accidentally went to the FM side and got the KTU Studio 54 party night show or something.
I wanted something to listen to while making dinner. Anyhow I call out, to no one in particular..."I think maybe I'll just listen to this crap instead the demise of everything for awhile."

I am gyrating and shaking my hips to shiek's "Good Times" getting down with my badself as I cut up potatoes into a pot.

Without realizing it my daughter had walked into the room and watched me for a moment
"oh my god mom!"
"Hey I have to make some fun for myself" I say, and she heads back to the computer

And I realize, if I am can't be all that bad
(and I think somewhere, she felt that too)


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